
Acid Etch



Acid Etch finish is applied to the precast shortly after initial concrete pour/curing by applying acid through power washing that dissolves the concrete cement surface paste. The application reveals the fine sand aggregates for a more sparking appearance.

Finish Exposures:

Acid Etching of the precast surface is most commonly used on light and medium applications. This can be a replacement for light sandblasting finish which can be more difficult to control.


Etching displays the natural appearance of aggregates without the more blunt appearance found on finishes like sandblasting. Patching precast surfaces and then applying a etched finish is easier to blend into a uninform appearance.

Design Considerations:

Acid etch finish is a wet finish applied post production through power wash. Protection of surrounding surfaces can be difficult due to the run off of washing. Features that could allow power wash to collet should be extended to edge so that acid does not puddle. Acid resistant aggregates should be used (such as granite or quartz) in lieu of carbonate aggregates that can be broken down by acid application.