R-Values - 4" of Insulation + 6" Interior Concrete Wythe

Typical R-Values shown for CarbonCAST technology.  Variances in the wall panel detailing such as solid spots for windows, doors or anchoring of loads will reduce the overall panel R-value and should be evaluated on a case by case basis.

Insulation TypeR/in. @ 75 DegreesR-Value
Type EPS 1.0#3.8516.69
Type EPS 1.25#3.9216.97
Type EPS 1.5#4.1717.97
Type EPS 2.0#4.3518.69
Type Neopor 1.5# Type VIII4.7020.11
Type XPS5.0021.29

Product Information

High Performance insulated CarbonCAST panels are designed specifically to meet the R-Value and design project requirements of your project. Typical insulated cladding panels have a 3″ outer wythe of concrete, 4″ of EPS type insulation and 3″ of inner concrete. Load bearing panel thickness can vary, however a typical panel would consist of 3″ outer wythe of concrete, 3-4″ of EPS type insulation and 6″ interior structural wythe of concrete.


Standard Design Options

To maximize the rate of install, and cost efficiency, panels should be designed to load onto 48,000 pound or 64,000 pound trailers.  In the Pacific Northwest panels should be design for widths of 12’ nominal (11’-11-3/4”) or less when traveling on four lane routes.  If 2 lane travel routes are required 10’ nominal (9’-11-3/4”) can be used to mitigate time and cost impacts of pilots.

  • EPS Insulation is preferred type for use with the CarbonCast wythe system.
  • Continuous Insulation: Meets ASHRAE 90.1 standards.
  • Exterior wythes can have embedded thin brick for a clay finish option.
  • Exterior Wythe architectural mix with structural lower cost interior mix design, reducing. cost of higher end mixes.Weatherproof nailers can be requested at panel blockouts for mounting of doors and windows etc.
  • Structural IP panels can be designed to carry sunshade loading.
  • Embedded electrical conduit + items required for hidden electrical.


3D Viewer

3D Viewer Tools


  • 3D Viewer Functions:
  • Move, Span, Zoom Assemblies
  • Isolate Single Components in View
  • Explode Assembly Single Components
  • Use Markup to Sketch Details
  • General Measurements for Concept
  • Print Views

Need More Info?

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Have a question, need a budget or detailed schedule?  Knife River sales team is ready to discuss precast solutions for your project.  Reach out to our staff below :

Image's Andy Roberts

Andy Roberts

Outside Sales, ID & MT

Image's Nikolaus Mixon

Nikolaus Mixon

Outside Sales, OR

Image's Zak Perkerewicz

Zak Perkerewicz

Outside Sales, Technical Lead